SCHREDER - Sustainability Report 2023


1. The Right Light: Where, When and Why

Bat-friendly Lighting for Pålsjö Skog Forest Trails Pålsjö Skog is a 70-acre nature reserve on the northern outskirts of Helsingborg. Research has shown that some rare bat species avoid areas lit by white light, which can disrupt or even prevent them from finding food and water. Street lights with cold white light also attract insects that bats feed on, reducing the supply available in their feeding areas. In this area, 47 of the TECEO luminaires were equipped with LEDs with a colour temperature of 1870K. Red light has been used successfully in other countries to help conserve bat species and other nocturnal wildlife, while ensuring human visibility. The red light is switched off from 11.30pm to 4am each night and then switched on at 50% of full light output until sunrise. Calluna, Sweden’s leading natural environment consultant, has been monitoring the zone for the past two years and its research has shown that the new lighting has not disrupted the bats’ foraging activity - unlike white light.

With the right light, any urban space can fulfil its potential to connect people and create a sense of well-being and safety. In contrast, light pollution negatively affects everything from caterpillars to stargazing. Schréder’s expertise can help reduce light pollution in a number of ways . We have always designed luminaires with optics that direct the light downwards, avoiding light spill and pollution. In addition to dimming the light when it is not needed, our luminaires can also be fitted with FlexiWhite LEDs which are tunable in order to adapt to our circadian cycle. This means bright white light in the morning as we travel to school or work, fading to a soft amber in the evening to protect our skies and wildlife. Preservation of Biodiversity The UN forecasts that 68% of us will live in towns and cities by 2050, meaning an additional 460,000 square miles of our planet will be urbanised. We need to share that space with forest and wildlife. Harsh, bright lighting turns night into day, disrupting the circadian rhythms of animals and people alike. So our responsibility is increasingly to provide cities with lighting solutions that ensure safety for people but also respect wildlife. Connected dimmers and sensors allow precise control of artificial lighting levels, minimising disturbance to wildlife. Additionally, the positioning of light sources plays a crucial role. By spacing them closely and dimming to a lower lux level, we can substantially mitigate the impact on the surrounding environment. The colour temperature of the light is also very important. We have incorporated all these parameters into two systems: Pure Night and FlexiWhite.

The Pure Night solution developed by Schréder offers lighting that prioritises the preservation of biodiversity and minimises light pollution. Pure Night effectively lights roads where and when it is needed. Warm white light creates a more comforting environment, while cool white light enhances visibility during nighttime and accentuates noteworthy features. The colour temperature is measured using Correlated Colour Temperature (CCT), allowing cities to adjust hues and tones to achieve an optimal lighting balance. Schréder’s FlexiWhite solution was developed to provide this flexibility, enabling the use of the appropriate colour temperature according to specific requirements. Trees and hedgerows are natural environments for bats, while rivers and canals are also important for foraging. Some bat species are very sensitive to light. Light pollution is a major contributor to insect mortality. Through luminaire design, photometry, colour temperature and dimming scenarios, Schréder protects wildlife and contributes to the preservation of our natural ecosystems.


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