3 use cases SHUFFLE LIGHT
A scalable solution The SHUFFLE Light range includes 3 variants to cover the needs of various areas.
How can SHUFFLE Light
In a park or on a promenade after work, people like to go for a walk or practice a sport. Lighting plays a vital role in their experience as it enables them to stroll or work out in confidence, comfort and safety. People feel free, and even encouraged, to make the most of green spaces and promenades if they can do so in the right conditions. However, changes in the level of activity in these spaces sometimes means that lighting at full power is a waste of energy. Why light an environment if no-one is using it? SHUFFLE Light integrates intelligent drivers, a control system and infrared sensors (PIR) to create light-on-demand scenarios. Most of the time, the light is dimmed to a security level. It is only when people are detected that the light goes up and guides them in their evening activities. Joggers, walkers and cyclists enjoy these safe and comfortable environments. encourage outdoor activities?
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