BEKA Schréder - SHUFFLE Solutions Brochure

Cities are full of architectural details, monuments, statues and pieces of art that deserve to be highlighted with the perfect lighting solution. Although, expertise in photometry plays a key role in achieving a good result, the challenge can be elsewhere. Where can the floodlights be installed? Is power available? How can the cabling be hidden? How can the system be protected from vandalism? With its integrated spotlight and its high impact resistance, SHUFFLE Light provides the perfect solution to all of these challenges. With its elegant yet robust design, this smart column is able to cover all the lighting needs of an area, including architectural lighting. SHUFFLE Light is ideal for lighting streets and squares and at the same time illuminating the jewels of the city. celebrate art and heritage? How can SHUFFLE Light

Places can have their own unique identity too. Planners, architects and designers should use light to differentiate city centres, squares, parks and other typical urban landscapes and to make them instantly recognisable. SHUFFLE Light includes a coloured light ring that can contribute to creating iconic places . Available in red, green, blue or white, this light ring distinguishes, signs and guides people. It offers an unmissable landmark that helps people to move around the city. contribute to creating iconic places and help people find their way? How can SHUFFLE Light


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