SCHREDER - Sustainability Report 2023


Wellness Day in South Africa “Departments dressed up in themed costumes and challenged each other to relay races and other physical activities. We also had football teams competing against one another while other colleagues tested their physical fitness in Zumba class. With the focus on our physical and mental health, it was a great and fun day.” Barbara MARITZ - Sustainability Ambassador of South Africa

OHS event in Romania To mark World Day for Safety and Health at Work 14 , our colleagues in Romania organised a health and safety event in April 2023. The aim was to educate our employees and increase their knowledge of potential health risks and prevention techniques related to their daily work. During the day, our employees attended various courses on topics such as first aid or mental health, and acquired essential skills to stay safe and healthy at work. “Sometimes we tend not to be conscious about the various health and safety risks we could face even in an office environment. Our colleagues actively participated on the event and enthusiastically learned various techniques that can be life-saving in our everyday life. Last but not least, we all learned how to be aware and take care of our mental health as well.” Andreea ALEXIE – Sustainability Ambassador of Romania


(14)World Day for Safety and Health at Work: safework/documents/genericdocument/wcms_865326.pdf

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