SCHREDER - Sustainability Report 2023


Since 2020, we have informed our suppliers that we have adopted the human rights and environmental standards set out in the RBA Code of Conduct, and asked them to confirm their adherence and compliance with the same or similar standards. At the end of 2022, suppliers representing 97% of our total supply chain value had confirmed adherence to the RBA Code or similar standards. This includes 100% of the suppliers considered to be at risk, based on our risk-based approach which includes component suppliers, subcontractors and service providers such as transport, temporary staff and building maintenance. To further promote our commitment to respect basic human rights and environmental standards in our operations, we launched the Schréder Suppliers Code of Conduct at the end of 2022. The Schréder Suppliers Code of Conduct is based on the RBA Code of Conduct (version 7.0 - 2021) and reflects additional Schréder standards and expectations and the nature of our suppliers’ operations. This code defines the social and environmental performance requirements for all Schréder suppliers. Schréder’s suppliers include all entities that provide goods or services to or on behalf of Schréder. This includes all suppliers who: manufacture Schréder products, packaging, parts, components, sub-assemblies, and materials, or are involved in processes related to such manufacturing; provide services to or on behalf of Schréder, regardless of where the service is performed, including at the supplier’s site, a Schréder site or at the customer’s site.

To ensure full compliance with the RBA standard and the Schréder Supplier Code of Conduct within our value chain, we adopted a Sustainable Procurement Policy in 2022 in which we embedded our human rights and environmental standards. In conjunction with this policy, we have developed a Sustainability Risk Assessment methodology. This describes the due diligence process Schréder uses to assess the sustainability standards of its suppliers. This due diligence process includes targeted audits to ensure that our supply chain meets sustainability requirements. In 2023, we deployed this risk assessment process across 61% of our Group supply base, by value, and trained 100% of our sourcing managers in the new process. By 2030, we aim to assess all Group suppliers against human rights and environmental standards.

All Group Suppliers assessed on sustainable procurement risks by 2030 100%

8.7 - Take immediate and effective measures to eradicate forced labour, end modern slavery and human trafficking and secure the prohibition and elimination of the worst forms of child labour, including recruitment and use of child soldiers, and by 2025 end child labour in all its forms.


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