Lavelanet - FRANCE

A place The municipality of Lavelanet, located in Ariège, at the foot of the Pyrenees, is renowned for its rich industrial activity and its past linked to the textile industry. Lavelanet decided to look to the future and create a revival for the city.

A need Therefore, in consultation with its population, the municipality has put together the «Lavelanet 2050» plan. This consists of recreating an attractive urban centre and making it accessible to all users by promoting soft mobility. The first phase of the project (2017) consisted of extending the cycle lane and Avenue Alsace Lorraine. This work, carried out by the Architecture & Paysage agency, aimed to revitalise the town centre while facilitating access for pedestrians, cyclists, and tourists through a vegetated and secure route.

A Schréder SIGNATURE solution Guided by the desire to change the city’s overall image, the Quartiers Lumières agency proposed implementing significant identity elements on the entrances to the municipality. Lionel Bessières, its director, decided to start with YOA, a standard Schréder luminaire, to reduce installation and maintenance costs. Schréder SIGNATURE customised the YOA luminaire with the addition of a mask whose patterns are inspired by ‘‘carded’’, a category of textiles made by weaving short and imperfectly disentangled fibres, a speciality in Lavelanet between 1945 and 1975. This set allows the city’s identity to be highlighted and create a unique design in the image of Lavelanet. The location of the ensembles opens up the view towards the Pyrenees to enhance the natural heritage. Using modern technology, the lighting scheme incorporates bi-power regulation to generate energy savings in the dead of night while improving the living environment of the inhabitants. ‘‘The covers of the lanterns are clean and simple, which makes it possible to maintain suitable lighting levels that fit into the daytime and nighttime landscape’’, explains Lionel Bessières. This elegant and iconic solution highlights Lavelanet’s identity and heritage while being oriented towards the future.

Lighting design Lionel Bessières (Quartiers Lumières)


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