Schréder - Решения для велодорожек

Niko Smets Sales Manager Schréder BE

As traffic keeps increasing, the freedom we traditionally associate with cars is no longer a reality. Cycling has become more efficient than driving. As a regular cyclist, I experience it a lot, even for medium distances. But the benefits are not only related to the time saved. When I cycle to work, I am getting my daily exercise, I feel more relaxed and I’m contributing directly to the reduction of CO 2 emissions. At Schréder, we are engaged in acting responsibly for a sustainable future. As more and more people are using cycling infrastructure, it is definitely worth investing in quality bike paths! With our knowledge and expertise, we can help your city create the best conditions for cycling, with the highest efficiency and the lowest impact on the ecosystem. Changing the way we commute, live, work and play


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