Schréder - SHUFFLE Кампус

Установка SHUFFLE Кампус є ідеальним інструментом для компаній, установ, державних структур та міст, які хочуть запропонувати якісні послуги своїм працівникам, клієнтам, мешканцям, громадянам чи відвідувачам. SHUFFLE Кампус створює безпечний та приємний простір, підключає людей до інтернету, інформує та розважає їх, зберігаючи елегантну та ненав’язливу присутність, яка вписується в будь-яке довкілля.

SHUFFLE CAMPUS Connect . Secure . Guide . Inform


SHUFFLE CAMPUS Creating places people love to be in

What makes a place great? What kinds of services please workers and attract visitors? How can you leverage your infrastructure to create value beyond lighting? Why could it help you to meet your social and business goals? SHUFFLE Campus is the right tool for ambitious companies, institutions, public services and cities wanting to offer a high-quality experience to their workers, customers, residents, citizens or visitors. SHUFFLE Campus is a connected, modular approach to outdoor hardware with plug-and-play rotatable modules that contain pre-certified hardware. This preconfigured version of the smart multi-functional SHUFFLE column is designed to provide multiple services, aesthetically and efficiently, to business facilities, condominiums, academic, medical or sport complexes, parks, shopping malls or transport infrastructures such as airports, train or bus stations. SHUFFLE Campus creates safe, pleasant places , connect people to the internet, inform and entertain them, while keeping an elegant and discreet presence that blends into any environment. With SHUFFLE Campus, people can extend their work, play and leisure space to outdoor areas. SHUFFLE Campus is a great asset for placemaking as it strengthens the connection between people and the urban environment with a minimal footprint. People are encouraged to spend more time outdoors, to socialise, to contribute to the local economy and to develop a true sense of community.


The smart integrated solution for modern and attractive complexes .

Key benefits

For end-users

• Reinforced sense of safety

• Free public internet connection

• Information and entertainment

• Elegant open spaces thanks to integrated design

• Pleasant areas with attractive services and right lighting atmosphere

For managers

• Robust, integrated and aesthetic solution

• A clever, cost-effective way to leverage lighting infrastructure

• Data collection and analytics

• Security with CCTV algorithms

• Tool to inform, help and guide people



A scalable solution

The SHUFFLE Campus range includes 3 variants to cover

the needs of various areas.


360° lighting with WLAN (and IoT readiness)



• 100V public address system • Frequency range: 100 - 18,000Hz • Perfect sound - 20W power output • Weatherproof / adapted to indoor and outdoor applications

• Street lighting / Ambiance lighting (optional back light control) • Warm or neutral white LEDs • Optional diffuse protector for enhanced visual comfort • WLAN for professional and secure Wi-Fi network • 2 versions: mesh network or wired network • Dividable bandwidth, e.g. to assign a dedicated part to city operators and a restricted bandwidth for the general public • NEMA socket for smart city IoT controller

• Seamless integration in the Shuffle column • 360° view • Vandal-proof design to protect the hardware • Easy installation with patented mounting system • Compatible with the Genetec video management system (ONVIF communication standard)

PIR sensor

Power socket

Light ring

• Motion detection in the surrounding perimeter

• Schuko Type F power socket • Supply power for any need

• Signage and visual guidance • Red, blue, green or white LEDs • Low power consumption

• Can trigger light-on-demand scenarios to provide the right light any time



3 use cases

Connectivity is a vital part of everyday life, especially for students. With SHUFFLE Campus, the wireless network is expanded to outdoor areas where they gather to socialise, collaborate and exchange. Thanks to a broadband connection, they can access all online courses and other digital platforms in areas equipped with outdoor furniture. SHUFFLE Campus also provides the right lighting level at any time thanks to responsive light-on-demand scenarios triggered by integrated sensors. extend university facilities for students? How can SHUFFLE Campus (Basic)

The shopping mall provides free wireless internet access to shoppers and then use this as a channel to tailor communication and promotion, along with audio messages broadcasted by the public address loudspeaker. Shopping mall managers gain granular, in-depth understanding of the shopping and buying patterns of visitors, as they can pinpoint where customers are at any given time, which stores they visit and which they bypass. Then they can better define development and commercial strategies. create a connected vibrant experience for shoppers? How can SHUFFLE Campus (Core)


Whenever visitors approach an animal area in a zoo, a SHUFFLE Campus detects motion, triggers an explanation message about those species, and encourages the visitors to use the zoo’s progressive web app for an interactive journey with augmented reality and further fascinating experiences. Using free internet connection provided by the zoo, visitors are taken into an online game that contributes to an unforgettable experience. The SHUFFLE Campus coloured light rings guide them on a logical tour through the zoo. With SHUFFLE Campus, zoo managers get heat maps for valuable insights about the most visited attractions. They can measure the return on investment and impact on every decision they make. As SHUFFLE Campus (Active) is equipped with a power socket, they can, for instance, move their mobile ice cream shop to the best spot and plug its freezer into the closest SHUFFLE. contribute to a memorable visit to the zoo? How can SHUFFLE Campus (Active)

Choose your ideal SHUFFLE


Copyright © Schréder S.A. 2020 - Executive Publisher: Stéphane Halleux - Schréder International Services S.A. - rue de Mons 3 - B-4000 Liège (Belgium) - The information, descriptions and illustrations herein are of only an indicative nature. Due to advanced developments, we may be required to alter the characteristics of our products without notice. As these may present different characteristics according to the requirements of individual countries, we invite you to consult us.


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