White Paper - Connected Ready


Once luminaires are connected, the data is transferred to the system which in the case of Schréder EXEDRA then performs automatic inventory and commissioning. This enables the lighting to be adapted to spaces, weather conditions, schedules, special events or any kind of constraint, change or evolution. System owners can customise the system infinitely: whether their city is dealing with football matches, traffic surges due to motorway diversions, or wildlife breeding seasons, they can have the right lighting in the right place at the right time . In addition, tracking and device usage statistics are available. The CMS provides an accurate view of the assets’ capabilities and helps to plan maintenance and manage their lifecycle. An alarm system detects and diagnoses faults, and electrical measurements are taken, enabling predictive maintenance, and making it easier to plan maintenance operations efficiently. The technology is also self-healing and can resolve issues without the need for human intervention. Energy conservation metrics are also monitored to help make data-driven decisions on sustainable planning and energy savings for the city.


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