White Paper - Connected Ready

CONNECTED-READY FOR INSTANT DATA Connecting a luminaire requires data about that asset, and other lighting devices nearby. The quality and accuracy of the data is paramount: to control your lighting in the future, you need to know which devices are in the field and how they are equipped. Once connected, the data can be automatically imported into a CMS such as Schréder EXEDRA which proceeds to an auto-inventory and auto- commissioning. The lighting infrastructure can then be monitored, maintained and controlled in an optimal way through both manual and automatic interventions. Imagine connecting a luminaire that doesn’t have any known asset data. It sends back power readings: 40 watts. But what is the expected nominal power of the luminaire? Should it be 70 watts? 20? Maybe it is 40 and everything is fine? Without this knowledge, operating data is meaningless. With a connected-ready luminaire, the asset data is properly recorded during the manufacturing of the luminaire and is digitally retrievable. This ensures that when the node is powered by the luminaire, all this data is automatically imported. We believe that customers should have total freedom in their choices and put interoperability at the heart of everything we do. Some CMSs, such as Schreder EXEDRA can complete the inventory automatically, but not all can, so this is another consideration for mayors, planners and experts as it saves time, money, energy and stress.


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