White Paper - Connected Ready

CASE STUDY Heiningen

The town of Heiningen, in southern Germany wanted to upgrade to smart lighting to save energy and reduce its carbon footprint. They achieved this by adjusting the light levels on the main street to reflect the volume of traffic. As a bonus, they chose a lighting system that protects local insect populations, without compromising road safety. The system was installed a few years after the LED lighting upgrade - with minimal fuss, because the authorities had invested in a connected-ready solution.

For a “normal” local or residential street, it makes sense to buy and install connected-ready lighting, and then, in a second step, complete the smart upgrade in line with requirements. I just think that while it doesn’t make sense to connect every street today, it would be frustrating to have not paid a reasonable premium to make them connected-ready, only to find in a few years’ time that it would make sense to include them in a smart system, but connecting them is extremely expensive.

Norbert Aufrecht Mayor of Heiningen


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