White Paper - Connected Ready

CONCLUSION Today’s Decisions, Tomorrow’s Benefits From the UN Sustainable Development Goals to national measures such as the UK’s For urban planners, city authorities and lighting designers, the array of choices can seem

decarbonisation plans and France’s laws on light pollution, local authorities have never been under more pressure to save energy, reduce their carbon footprint and ensure their assets are a part of the circular economy. Public lighting can play a major part in achieving these goals. At the same time, effective public lighting can make citizens feel safer, bring new life to areas after dark, and, through placemaking, enable citizens to see their area in a whole new light. Investment in lighting is something that can be seen and felt by residents and visitors alike.

overwhelming. But whatever luminaires, systems and styles are chosen, there is one decision that should be easy: opting for a connected-ready solution. This means that street lighting can become part of a smart system with minimal cost and zero (or minimal) manual intervention. Connected-ready lighting is a small decision to take today that provides a wealth of options for tomorrow. City, town and village authorities need to use residents’ resources wisely: investing in connected-ready infrastructure is choosing sustainability and savings for the future.



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