Schréder - Rešenja za biciklističke staze

Challenges and solutions

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FutureProof and vandal proof

Schréder solutions

In public areas where there is little activity, vandalism might occur. This could be the case for bike paths in the suburbs or between two towns. It is important to consider the robustness of the lighting installation . Bicycle infrastructure may need to be extended or adapted over time. It is worth investing in systems that can be easily expanded and updated .

Schréder’s philosophy is to design and develop FutureProof products for circular economy. They can be upgraded at any time. With our wireless control systems, you can also easily extend an installation by adding new luminaires. Our vandal-proof (IK 09) TECEO S and IZYLUM luminaires are built to last .

Preventing bike theft

Schréder solutions

SHUFFLE offers a unique solution for bicycle parks: while comfortable ambiance lighting creates attractive places, state-of-the-art surveillance cameras , with digital zoom or fully motorised control, keep an eye on bikes. SHUFFLE deters people with bad intentions and provides a sense of security. It can also offer charging stations for e-bikes.

With e-bikes becoming more and more popular, they are being targeted by thieves. Bike theft is on the rise, matching the growing popularity of this alternative mode of transport. Protected bicycle parks can help prevent these thefts.



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