Scan on site and update
The installer scans the QR code on the luminaire or enters its serial number. She/he can check the luminaire information, access installation instructions and attribute the luminaire to a specific project. When connected to the portal, the installer can also add information for asset management : project name, full address automatically extracted from the GPS position, pole number, type and height, and any other information relevant for project management over time.
Manage assets over time
The infrastructure manager can retrieve all data recorded on site by the installer and add them to a lighting management platform such as Schréder EXEDRA. This operation can be performed at any time - after installation, after maintenance, after repairs - to keep information updated .
Maximise efficiency
The Smart Label portal enables both the installer and the city manager to exchange critical information throughout the life cycle of the luminaire (installation, maintenance, repair). This platform makes operations more efficient by preventing unnecessary on-site visits. Cities make significant savings and maintain lighting performance over time. When servicing the lighting scheme, the maintenance crew records the date/operations completed. In case of luminaire failure, they can use the troubleshooting assistance and follow the instructions to find out the root cause, fix the issue and, if needed, request spare parts to repair the luminaire.
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