White Paper - Traffic Analysis

Comparing Locations The comparison of the traffic flow in different locations is a good source of information to understand the quality of our results and to highlight the different behaviour of traffic in different scenarios. Considering locations L1 to L3, we have:age degradation was better • L1 is a national road that connects to the main accesses to and from the Lisbon metropolitan area, and as such is expected to have the highest traffic volume. • L2 is a national/large road that is expected to have a high volume of traffic, although less than in L1. • L3 is a residential area and should therefore have the lowest traffic volumes. This difference in the scenarios is observed in our results, which also validates the expectations as follows: • L1 and L2 show traffic volume peaks in the order of 600 to 1000 vehicles per hour, while in L3, the traffic volume peaks only exceed 500 for barrier B3.3, and are around 200 to 300 for all the others.

• Between, L1 and L2, the difference between high and low traffic volumes is also observed: barriers in L1, and barriers B2.1 and B2.3 have much higher traffic volumes than barrier B2.2, since this latter is already a tertiary road within a residential area. • The overall higher volumes are observed for L1. The residential area (L3), which includes a roundabout with four exits and a small intersection, is further detailed. The patterns observed here are heterogeneous between the barriers, as we are monitoring several relatively small streets with heavy traffic. In addition, the camera perspectives are also heterogeneous for this location, which could affect the results obtained (the evaluation of this effect is beyond the scope of this work). There are, however, some interesting details, that further support the quality of this solution. For example, at barrier B3.2 an abnormal peak towards the north is observed on Saturdays. This peak is similar to the values observed during rush hour, although a little later (the peak lasts until 11am) which probably corresponds to cars going to the shopping centre that is located a few meters north of the roundabout.

Figure 1. .Colour code representation of median values of traffic per hour for all weekdays (‘hol’ stands for national holidays and ‘bri’ for days between holidays and weekends). Colour code goes from blue (less cars) to green and red (more cars).


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