Schréder - ВАЛІНТА - Інноваційний прожектор та світильник

Performance Using a LensoFlex ® 4 photometrical engine with 20 or 40 LEDs, the variants of VALINTA dedicated to urban lighting offer the same high lumen output as the high- end Schréder decorative luminaires. With up to 12,000lm, it can meet the lighting requirements of all types of urban environment. Using collimators, the VALINTA floodlights dedicated to architectural lighting are able to highlight details and reveal large-scale structures with up to 13,000lm (with 52 LEDs). Energy savings VALINTA is notable for its high energy efficiency. Offering up to 155lm/W (urban lighting) and 135 lm/W (architectural lighting), it maximises energy and CO2 savings , proving to be a real asset in the fight for limited energy use and against climate change. Light consistency Schréder strives to offer the best quality while taking into account the investment of its customers. For VALINTA, the LEDs used in combination with the collimators offer a chromatic constancy of 3-step MacAdam ellipses (with 1 being the highest on a scale of 25). It is commonly agreed that a difference of 3 steps is hardly visible to the eye. VALINTA therefore offers you the assurance of a high degree of consistency in the hue of the light, whether it is white or coloured (RGB).



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