Schréder - ВАЛІНТА - Інноваційний прожектор та світильник

How does your background as an architect help you design a lighting fixture?

I am programmed to think about what architects and landscape designers want to see or discover. When you solve an architectural problem, you think about the before and after. You evaluate the physical and geographical environment, but also the human and historical aspects. And this way of thinking both in the long term and in a holistic way is a considerable advantage when designing an urban product. The second point is that, as an architect, we look for products that complement the architecture, without overpowering it or clashing with it. The luminaire raises a decorative expectation, but, as we are in the urban space, we are obliged to be in a kind of neutrality, to envisage the long term. Products that I designed 30 years ago are still successful because they are relatively neutral. They involve fundamental stylistic codes.

Would you say that VALINTA is a model that adheres to this?

With the different versions, we have tried to offer architects, planners and lighting designers a wide range of possibilities. The arrangement of the LEDs is specific so that the product is attractive whether it is switched on or off. It is a product that combines decorative, technical and neutral codes. It is designed as simply as possible. Nothing can be taken away from it. I thought of a product that, in its smaller size, could also be installed indoors, at lower heights. Right from the start, we integrated the notion of different sizes without them being homothetic. We have a family of products with a real identity. We have integrated the technical and economic constraints, such as the mounting bracket, which is the same for the whole range. This is the result of formal geometry work in a very constructive and stimulating dialogue with the Schréder development team.

What is the story behind the different variants of VALINTA?

VALINTA SCOPE is a nod to the lampshade, which is an element that is universally read as an object of light. It softens the technical aspect by bringing in a design element. VALINTA CURVE is more tasteful and sober. The curved shape invites you to caress it. VALINTA GROOVE has a more pronounced decorative dimension that reinforces the elegant and qualitative aspect. With their accessories, the VALINTAs become even more substantial.


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