Paris – FRANCE

A place Place Vendôme in Paris is one of the most beautiful and prestigious squares in France. This octagonal square and the arcaded buildings around it, built between 1687 and 1701, are magnificent example of neoclassical architecture. Today, a square steeped in history is home to the Ritz Hotel and some of the city’s most fashionable boutiques. Every day, it attracts thousands of visitors who come to stroll around the square, admiring the architecture and soaking up the ambiance.

A need As part of its Climate and Energy Action Plan to reduce the energy consumption for its public lighting by 30% by 2020, the city council decided to upgrade the lighting on the square while preserving the character of this historic centre.

A Schréder STUDIO solution The city of Paris wanted to keep the traditional lanterns in cast iron and change the photometric engine inside. Schréder STUDIO retrofitted the heritage gas lamp. LED optics incorporating white LEDs (2,700K) replaced the old high-pressure sodium lamps, significantly reducing energy and maintenance costs. In total, 228 luminaires were upgraded. They deliver uniform lighting that preserves its unique luminous ambiance. The 19 mansions that encompass the square are identical, creating an impressive architectural unity. The city council decided to illuminate the façades. Just over 50 floodlights (3000K) were installed. They bathe the elegant arches and columns that adorn the façades of these majestic houses with a gentle white light.


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