Circle Light označení

Toto označení prostřednictvím transparentních kritérií označuje svítidla, která jsou optimalizována pro cirkulární hospodářství, aniž by byla ohrožena jejich kvalita.

Circle Light Label Participate in a more circular world

Many of the lighting solutions we installed back in the 1970s are still working. We’re proud of that but, for the well-being our planet, we need to go a step further. Living well within the limits of our planet is one of our objectives and for this, we are integrating another concept under our sustainability umbrella: Circularity

extracting raw materials

parts supply

Circularity focuses on reducing the environmental burden by valorising the flow of all materials. It is mainly defined in opposition to the traditional linear economy: take, make and dispose. In a circular economy, products are part of a value network where they will be used for as long as possible. Then, depending on their characteristics, they can be reused, refurbished, upgraded or recycled. Schréder takes circular economy into account, right from the offset. Before we start to design our products, we incorporate it into their DNA. After a careful analysis of the potential circularity of our luminaires, we decided to introduce a “circular lighting” product label. This label acts as a circular indicator for our customers. It clearly designates products that are optimised for circular economy through 12 objective criteria.


parts harvesting






incineration & landfill

Circle Light Label

The luminaire obtained a score between 0 and 30

The luminaire obtained a score between 30 and 60

The luminaire obtained a score between 60 and 90

The luminaire obtained a score between 90 and 120


Circle light






F/P < 110 lm/w

110 lm/w =< F/P < 140 lm/w

Luminary efficacy (1)

140 lm/w =< F/P

Rated life of the LEDs

x < L90/100.000 L90/100.000 =< x < L95/100.000

L95/100.000 =< x


Level 1

Level 2

Level 3

Mechanical (2)

Energy control

No control solution



Open smart solution ready

Proprietary smart solution ready

Not available

Smart ready (3)

Specific tools/ Impossible


Basic tools

Tool free

Optical unit

Specific tools/ Impossible Specific tools/ Impossible

Basic tools

Tool free

Gear plate (driver, SPD, smart, ...)

Basic tools

Tool free


In the box

On the website

On smart tag

Product sheet

In the box

On the website

On smart tag

Installation sheet

In the box

On the website

On smart tag

Asset data sheet

Use of a module for all the functional parts (allow different fixation method ) 10 years after the announced end of life

Announced end of life

Product warranty

Availability (5)


Directly to the mold (only one mechanical fixation method allowed)

Use of a gear plate for some functional parts (allow different fixation method)

Mechanical fixation method


> 9

9 ≤ x < 7

≤ 7

Dissasembly depth (6)



Not separable

Material separability

All materials


Material compatibility with recycling (7)





Circle light


(1) The luminaire’s efficacy is the ratio between the output flux (F) and the consumed power (P). This measurement is carried out at 500mA with the maximum number of LEDs. When this configuration is not available, the variant with the maximum number of LEDs and highest current will be measured. (2) The mechanical criteria takes into account the IP and IK level of the luminaire. Our criteria is as follows:




Any luminaire with an IK level equal or below IK 07. Or any luminaire with an IP level between IP 54 and IP 66

Any luminaire with an IP level equal or over IP 66 and an IK level equal or above IK 08

Any luminaire with an IP level equal or below IP 54

(3) A luminaire is considered smart ready if it can integrate an IoT solution. An open smart solution is a Nema or Zagha (ZD4I) socket. (4) This factor ensures that it is feasible and practical for a professional to access components after the luminaire has been put into service. (5) The replacement parts should be the same as the originals, but if this is not possible, equivalent spare parts that perform the same function to the same or higher performance level may be used. (6) The disassembly depth is the minimum number of steps required to remove a component from a product. (7) The criteria focuses on the luminaire’s main parts (body and reflector) with materials recognised by Schréder Group staff and R-Tech.


Copyright © Schréder S.A. 2020 - Executive Publisher: Stéphane Halleux - Schréder International Services S.A. - rue de Mons 3 - B-4000 Liège (Belgium) - The information, descriptions and illustrations herein are of only an indicative nature. Due to advanced developments, we may be required to alter the characteristics of our products without notice. As these may present different characteristics according to the requirements of individual countries, we invite you to consult us.

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