Řešení pro tunely

Technology-driven design As a long-standing tunnel lighting expert, Schréder puts all of its know- how and expertise into developing new smart solutions to enhance the tunnel experience and facilitate your day-to-day challenges.

Building Information Modeling Technology to improve quality and reduce costs

Over the decades, paper drawings have been replaced by digital drawings, and now virtual reality comes to tunnel design. Our design teams work with the latest technology, including Building Information Modeling (BIM) files - digital models of our luminaires integrate the customer’s virtual tunnel environment to visualise and prepare the future installation. Based on customer requirements, we can provide several 3D models of our tunnel luminaires with key data such as overall dimensions and material. Customers can then make well-informed decisions faster.

Depending on the project phase, we can provide different levels of details . In the preliminary phase, basic details such as global dimensions, weight or materials will be given. As the project progresses, more details (fixation type, IP, IK, cable diagram, etc.) will be supplied.


Consistency: one single platform to combine multiple models from different partners Convenience: a unique source of shared information Anticipation: a virtual build to prepare the installation and anticipate potential errors Savings: a possibility to correlate planning and costs


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