Řešení pro tunely

The right light where, when, and how it is needed YOUR ENERGY

Generate energy savings and improve safety Each tunnel zone requires a different luminance level. This level should be high at the entrance and in the threshold zone and then decrease inside the tunnel as the eye adapts. These requirements generate an ideal lighting curve called the CIE curve. The more your lighting installation follows this recommended curve, the less spill light there will be and the more efficient the installation will be. At Schréder, our advanced luminance calculation software analyses all aspects of your tunnel environment to provide you with the right luminance level in all tunnel zones. We deliver lighting systems to improve safety, reduce energy consumption and generate savings.


During our study, we calculate the number of luminaires to be installed in the tunnel and their orientation to create a curve as close as possible to the CIE normative curve for an efficient and economical light installation.


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