SHUFFLE Light je navržen tak, aby splňoval různé potřeby osvětlení dané oblasti s elegancí a vysokou energetickou účinností. Jeho estetický design integruje různé moduly osvětlení (360°, bodový a světelný kroužek) s inteligentními řídicími funkcemi pro stmívání a scénářů osvětlení. Sloupec SHUFFLE Light smart lze nainstalovat na jakékoli místo, kde jeho všestrannost, konektivita a jednoduchost vytvářejí dodatečnou hodnotu nad rámec základního osvětlení.

SHUFFLE LIGHT Illuminate . Guide . Enhance


SHUFFLE LIGHT For endless challenges

How do you redesign your urban spaces with elegance? How could a modular system declutter and free-up space in city centres? How could simplicity and integration improve urban planning and create places people love to spend time in? Why is being Futureproof important? SHUFFLE Light is a connected, modular approach to outdoor hardware with plug-and-play rotatable modules that contain pre-certified hardware. This preconfigured version of the smart multi-functional SHUFFLE column is designed to meet the various lighting needs of an area with elegance and high energy efficiency . Its aesthetic design integrates various lighting modules (360°, spot and light ring) with smart control features for dimming and light-on-demand scenarios. The SHUFFLE Light smart column can be installed in any place where its versatility, connectivity and simplicity create additional value beyond basic lighting. Designed to light roads, streets, squares and other places where creating a pleasant atmosphere is a key element, SHUFFLE Light benefits from a wide range of photometries and provides aesthetic consistency for various urban environments. It offers the perfect tool for placemaking as it frees up space that can be then used to enhance the urban experience and promote people’s health, happiness and well-being. As nothing is cast in concrete, SHUFFLE Light is designed as a futureproof system. Modules can be upgraded, changed or added to meet the ever-changing needs of a place. It enables municipalities to start their smart city journey and evolve.


The smart integrated solution to meet all lighting needs

Key benefits

For citizens

• Pleasant urban spaces with discreet and well integrated lighting infrastructure • Light-on-demand features: safe and comfortable lighting when needed • Visual identity to differentiate places and remember them (coloured light ring)

For cities/managers

• Robust, integrated and aesthetic solution

• A clever, cost-effective way to maximise lighting infrastructure

• State-of-the-art technology for maximised energy efficiency and cost savings • Urban, road and architectural lighting united in a single column (urban decluttering and more aesthetic spaces)

• IoT connectivity for Smart City



A scalable solution The SHUFFLE Light range includes 3 variants to cover

the needs of various areas.


180 light - Spot

360° lighting (and IoT readiness)

Light ring

• Up/Down architectural lighting (on-site adjustment) • Lumen package range: 1,300 to 2,400lm • On-site inclination angle settings: -10/+40° • Neutral or warm white LEDs

• Signage and visual guidance • Red, blue, green or white LEDs • Low power consumption

• Street lighting / Ambiance lighting (optional back light control) • Warm or neutral white LEDs • Optional diffuse protector for enhanced visual comfort • NEMA socket for smart city IoT controller

PIR sensor

• Motion detection in the surrounding perimeter

• Can trigger light-on-demand scenarios to provide the right light any time



3 use cases

How can SHUFFLE Light

In a park or on a promenade after work, people like to go for a walk or practice a sport. Lighting plays a vital role in their experience as it enables them to stroll or work out in confidence, comfort and safety. People feel free, and even encouraged, to make the most of green spaces and promenades if they can do so in the right conditions. However, changes in the level of activity in these spaces sometimes means that lighting at full power is a waste of energy. Why light an environment if no-one is using it? SHUFFLE Light integrates intelligent drivers, a control system and infrared sensors (PIR) to create light-on-demand scenarios. Most of the time, the light is dimmed to a security level. It is only when people are detected that the light goes up and guides them in their evening activities. Joggers, walkers and cyclists enjoy these safe and comfortable environments. encourage outdoor activities?

How can SHUFFLE Light

Cities are full of architectural details, monuments, statues and pieces of art that deserve to be highlighted with the perfect lighting solution. Although, expertise in photometry plays a key role in achieving a good result, the challenge can be elsewhere. Where can the floodlights be installed? Is power available? How can the cabling be hidden? How can the system be protected from vandalism? With its integrated spotlight and its high impact resistance, SHUFFLE Light provides the perfect solution to all of these challenges. With its elegant yet robust design, this smart column is able to cover all the lighting needs of an area, including architectural lighting. SHUFFLE Light is ideal for lighting streets and squares and at the same time illuminating the jewels of the city. celebrate art and heritage?


Places can have their own unique identity too. Planners, architects and designers should use light to differentiate city centres, squares, parks and other typical urban landscapes and to make them instantly recognisable. SHUFFLE Light includes a coloured light ring that can contribute to creating iconic places . Available in red, green, blue or white, this light ring distinguishes, signs and guides people. It offers an unmissable landmark that helps people to move around the city. contribute to creating iconic places and help people find their way? How can SHUFFLE Light

Choose your ideal SHUFFLE


Copyright © Schréder S.A. 2020 - Executive Publisher: Stéphane Halleux - Schréder International Services S.A. - rue de Mons 3 - B-4000 Liège (Belgium) - The information, descriptions and illustrations herein are of only an indicative nature. Due to advanced developments, we may be required to alter the characteristics of our products without notice. As these may present different characteristics according to the requirements of individual countries, we invite you to consult us.


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