The Lights
COMMUNICATE Plasma cutting technology opens new attractive and aesthetic communication possibilities for lighting installed in public spaces. Combined with an effective and durable lighting system, the cut-outs in the poles diffuse luminous designs that can be seen by passersby. Designs can include the names of towns, logos, messages, and more. This luminous signage offers planners a great freedom and allows them to highlight a particular district, distinguish a landscape or reinforce the identity of a location. BALISER, ACCOMPAGNER Positioned at pedestrian level on lampposts, this luminous signage can indicate a route, differentiate a space, or increase safety on the sidewalk. White or coloured lights, custom graphics, or standard modules can all be used to create a unique night-time ambiance suited to each location. ENLIVEN & DISTINGUISH By combining light with the vertical pole, the solutions presented here change the traditional perception of the lamppost. Location markers, route indicators, and signature lighting, installed at regular intervals or integrated into a sequence, transform the nocturnal space, and emphasize the character of your projects.
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