Schréder - ANZ- Corporate Brochure

Being responsible for the planet

This is to certify that the management system of: Schreder Australia Pty Ltd ABN 17 604 331 937 Trading as Sylvania Schreder SCS Austube Schreder Pty Ltd ABN 17 639 100 324 Main Site: Bldg 4A, Parklands Estate 21-23 South Street, Rydalmere, New South Wales, 2116, Australia has been registered by INTERTEK SAI Global as conforming to the requirements of: ISO 14001:2015 The management system is applicable to: Provision of design, manufacture and sale of light fittings, allied products and accessories.

Certificate Number: EMS41673 Initial Certification Date: 05 November 2021 Date of Certification Decision: 01 October 2024 Issuing Date: 08 October 2024 Valid Until: 04 November 2027

Manufacturing according to the highest environmental standards Our factory at Rydalmere is certified ISO 14001:2015 for our environmental management system. A continuous improvement plan for resource efficiency and waste management is put into action by our quality manager.

Calin Moldovean President, Business Assurance SAI Global Certification Services Pty. Ltd.

Level 7, Suite 7.01 45 Clarence Street Sydney NSW 2000 Australia

In the issuance of this certificate, INTERTEK SAI Global assumes no liability to any party other than to the Client, and then only in accordance with the agreed upon Certification Agreement. This certificate’s validity is subject to the organization maintaining their system in accordance with INTERTEK SAI Global requirements for systems certification. Validity may be confirmed via email at or by scanning the code to the right with a smartphone. The certificate remains the property of INTERTEK SAI Global, to whom it must be returned upon request.

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Building a circular ecosystem

In this constant quest to innovate and be completely transparent with our customers, we launched the Circle Light Label. It designates products that are optimised for a circular economy without compromising on the quality. We assess our luminaires to evaluate their potential circularity through 12 objective criteria in 5 categories:



Performance Maintenance Refurbishment Non-destructive disassembly Recycling

The luminaires are rated with a comparative scale from 1 star (least circular) to 4 stars (most circular).

Transparency throughout the complete product life cycle

To provide our customers with clear information on the environmental impact of each luminaire, Schréder relies on a product life cycle analysis tool (Instant LCA), developed in collaboration with an independent agency (in accordance with the principles of ISO 14040:2006). The results are available in the Product Environmental Profile (PEP) documents. They summarise the luminaire’s life cycle assessment, by examining its environmental impact throughout its life cycle, from raw material extraction to end of life. The PEP documents are available upon request to all customers to help them demonstrate their regulatory compliance and commitment to minimising their environmental footprint.


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