And your partner in sustainability
Schréder has developed a cohesive, company- wide sustainability strategy called “ Together for our Future ”. This commitment is structured around three axes encompassing the relevant prioritised UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Sustainability is embedded into our strategy, structure, processes and culture. At Schréder, we collaborate closely with our customers to develop robust and long-term solutions to meet the challenges they face, while adding value with a positive, lasting impact on society and the environment.
Being responsible for the planet
Being responsible for the community by having a resolutely positive impact on society through our solutions.
by reducing our own and our customers’ environmental impact.
Being responsible for our staff members by developing human growth through diversity and respect for human rights.
A company strongly committed to sustainability
EcoVadis evaluates more than 85,000 organisations in over 160 countries and in over 200 industries every year. Based on 21 criteria, the rating assesses a company’s performance in four categories: Environment, Labour and Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement. The EcoVadis gold rating aknowledges the efforts being made every day by every single Schréder employee to enable a better and more sustainable world. More information:
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