Your winning sports solution Our dedicated lighting solutions turn indoor and outdoor sport areas into safe, comfortable, sustainable and smart environments . They deliver engaging experiences for the players and visitors and operational benefits for the sports club managers. We also light professional sports venues and many other areas, from indoor spaces and car parks to surrounding areas.
From the local BMX track to major stadiums that host live HD televised events, Sylvania Schréder has been involved in delivering solutions for councils, sporting authorities and government to technical specification, to illumination standards and to budget. Full scope solutions With our highly qualified experts, we deliver solutions compliant to relevant Australian Sporting Standards (series AS2560) and obtrusive light requirements (ASNZS4282:2019). Our lighting designs ensure the correct lighting levels, uniformity for horizontal and vertical illuminance, and a glare analysis, amongst other essential criteria. This ensures that your sports activities can take place in a safe, welcoming and comfortable environment. We also have the know-how to design lighting schemes for professional sports, including televised broadcast and stadium lighting. Our teams are involved in the development of lighting standards, advising instrumental committees and panels.
Date: 150426KS17 RevB Southern GC Sports Precinct.AGI Example of our Lighting Design achieving uniformity and compliant to obtrusive light requirements (ASNZS4282:2019) Comment: Client: Rev: Project:
Document No:
150426KS17 RevB Southern GC Sports Pr
A member of the GERARD LIGHTING GROUP Building 106-3B, 2-6 Leonardo Dr, Brisbane Airport, Qld 4007 Ph: 1300 799300 Fax: 1300 732808
Designer: Kerry Simpson FIES 0419 797 706
This design calculation is based upon specified parameters supplied by the client, and other design inputs assumed by us, as detailed in this document. In practice, the accuracy of the values will differ due to environmental variations such as actual luminaire positioning, room surface reflectance, supply voltage, local luminaire ambient temperature, obstacles/furniture, etc. These results are also subject to normally accepted photometric tolerances, and calculation/program uncertainties. Gerard Professional Solutuions provides this calculation "as is" without any representation or warranty of any kind. The Company shall be under no liability to the Customer for failure to attain such performance figures unless the performance of the Goods supplied is specifically guaranteed in writing, and any such written guarantee shall be subject to recognised manufacturing variations and tolerances applicable to the Goods.
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