Stakeholders’ Engagement Schréder is part of an ecosystem. We interact daily with many stakeholders who influence, and are influenced by, our operations at various levels. We constantly engage with them to ensure that our strategy is aligned with their needs and interests. The following table summarises this process. Based on the Group’s activities, the following stakeholder groups have been identified:
Stakeholder group Engagement process
Topics discussed (not exhaustive)
Regular business meetings Customer visits and training Business network participation Interactions at trade fairs Customer surveys D igital interactions (web site, social media, webinars…) H R driver survey D iversity, Equity and Inclusion survey P erformance management processes Internal communication channels: Webinars (business updates). Intranet, newletters, … W histle-blower channel H ealth and safety committee
New products and solutions / Innovations / Pricing and delivery lead times / Energy consumption and sustainability performance / Project support / Customer satisfaction
Company strategy / Health and safety / Career development and employee experience / Effective processes / Reward strategy / Company values and ethics / Sustainability performance…
Customers Employees Shareholders Board of Directors Suppliers and business partners Policymakers Local communities
G eneral Assembly A nnual report
Company annual report / Progress on sustainability strategy and its implementation / Business, Sustainability and Financial Performance Company strategy / Progress on Important Goals and Foundational Projects / Business,sustainability and Financial Performance / Market Trends / Innovation Roadmap / Talent engagement and Organisation / Corporate Governance / Risk Management / Compliance… Financial health / Business ethics / Quality. customer satisfaction service / Payment terms / Responsiveness / Delivery and lead time issues / Exclusiveness / Innovation and technical roadmap / supplier Code of Conduct. Issues that impact operations and products / New legislation / Sustainable products that promote a circular economy / Transparency and reliable information / Business ethics / Compliance… Job opportunities / Sustainability initiatives (including awareness and training sessions) / Active role in the local communities’ development of services / Building new tools to create engagement with local communities / Sponsoring and social responsibility initiatives / Compliance / Ensuring that the company is a stable employer and tax payer / Awareness and development of products and services with the aim of reducing environmental impact (protecting wildlife and ecosystems where the company’s solutions are implemented) / Support to less privileged areas and people
Board of Directors
B oard Meetings, including Strategic Committee A udit Committee and Remuneration Committee
Suppliers and business partners
S upplier Quality Audit System. S upply base selection process. R egular business contacts (business meetings. business network. communica- tions…) B usiness contacts (seminars. business network. trade fairs…) Legal watch P osition papers on topics that are critical for the company’s business P articipation in policy framework discus- sions and regulatory initiatives W eb site. R ecruitment sessions Information sessions P artnerships with NGO. local associations. universities… Training P hilanthropic projects through the Schréder Together Fund
At Schréder, each department is responsible for identifying and engaging with its own stakeholders. The formats and scope of dialogue are adapted to the needs and wishes of each stakeholder group and take place on an ongoing basis throughout the year, not specifically as part of the preparation of the Sustainability Report. We are constantly working to improve our engagement process.
Policymakers (regulations)
Local communities and citizens
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