SCHREDER - Sustainability Report 2023

Scope and Boundaries of GHG reporting

Methodology for measuring carbon footprint of our own operations Methodology

The carbon footprint complies with the guidelines of the GHG Protocol. The main sources used for the emissions factors are ADEME (Agence de l’Environnement et de la maitrise de l’Energie) and the IEA (Interna- tion Energy Agency). Our calculation includes all greenhouse gases. For the communication of our emission values we decided to show absolute emissions (tonnes of CO 2 equivalent 20 ). The calculation takes into account all our business activities and we are continually working to improve the quality of the data. Today, we are confident that the following results properly represent our emissions with a 20% uncertainty rate. Our carbon footprint calculation covers all 3 scopes (scope 1+2+3) according to the GHG Protocol. The data we used for the calculation in 2023 is based on the information supplied by all major production facilities (China, Hungary, Ukraine, Portugal, Spain, South Africa and Australia) and sales offices (over 10 employees). Where data was not directly available for those entities, it was extrapolated based on the number of employees. Some of the emission sources according to the GHG Protocol are not applicable for Schréder. These are the following: • 3.9 Downstream transport and distribution • 3.10 Processing of sold products • 3.13 Downstream leased assets • 3.14 Franchises All other emission sources according to the GHG Protocol are included in our reported values.



Reporting period



The selected baseline year for our SBTi targets is 2019.

Restatement of information

The following improvements and changes have been implemented into our reporting process during 2023 • Reporting in absolute emissions. • Reduction targets are reported in absolute emissions. • All applicable emission sources have been included in the calculation process. • Actions taken to improve data quality. Some assumptions and hypotheses have been reconsidered to reduce the uncertainty factor.


(20) -A carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) is a metric measure used to compare the emissions from various greenhouse gases on the basis of their global-warming potential (GWP), by converting amounts of other gases to the equivalent amount of carbon dioxide with the same global warming potential.

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