SCHREDER - Sustainability Report 2023

Company Information

4. Tax

Schréder’s Tax Strategy Schréder’s approach to managing tax affairs and tax risks worldwide is based on the following principles: Tax is part of our Corporate Social Responsibility Schréder Group’s tax strategy is in line with our Corporate Social responsibility efforts and the company’s sustainability framework called “Together For Our Future”. Schréder recognises that paying fair taxes supports the creation of economic and social value and demonstrates the Group’s social responsibility and good corporate citizenship in the countries where Schréder operates.  Our tax strategy follows generally accepted standards and is approved by the highest governance body The Group’s tax strategy is in line with the GRI 207 1-3 standards and is valid for the year ending 31 December 2023 and beyond. It is subject to the approval of the Audit Committee and the Board of Directors of Schréder SA, and is reviewed annually.

Schréder’s position on Tax and Compliance We are committed to paying the right amount of tax that is legally due in the jurisdictions in which we operate. Schréder is committed to paying the right amount of taxes at the right time in accordance with the applicable legislation as determined by the relevant authorities. This includes direct and indirect taxes, customs and excise duties, labour taxes, environmental taxes, business property and wealth taxes, and other local taxes and levies. We strive for full compliance with applicable tax laws, regulations and filing requirements The fundamental principle of compliance with tax obligations has been incorporated into the Group Tax Policy, the primary objective of which is to ensure that all Schréder entities comply with the various tax requirements in each of the countries and territories in which Schréder operates. The Group Tax Policy focuses on monitoring the Group’s tax burden and tax reporting, ensuring that the Group entities comply with all applicable tax laws and regulations, managing the Group’s tax risk and ensuring that the Group does not have a higher tax burden than it should. Compliance with laws and regulations is further enforced by the Schréder Code of Conduct, which provides employees and anyone acting on behalf of Schréder with useful tools to raise concerns internally, report and resolve any issues related to ethics and compliance.


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