SCHREDER - Sustainability Report 2023


Schréder Christmas Charity Campaign “Employees from Schréder Poland made some Christmas packages for the residents of a nursing home in Warsaw in response to their letters. Unfortunately, we didn’t have the opportunity to deliver the gifts in person, but it was still an uplifting feeling to be able to bring a smile to their faces and make their daily lives a little easier.” Monika JASTRZĘBSKA – Sustainability Ambassador of Poland “The food banks in Germany are facing great challenges today, so we are happy to be able to support one of them with a donation of €1000. May our small gesture help those in need to find a little more support and joy this Christmas”. Torben MAY – Sustainability Ambassador of Germany “We happily prepared a Christmas hamper for the local fire brigade in Carnaxide to express our heartfelt gratitude for their everyday sacrifices.” Almiro SOUSA – Sustainability Ambassador of Portugal


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