SCHREDER - Sustainability Report 2023

Stationary Sources

Mobile Sources: Company Cars In 2023, our company cars emitted 1,532 tonnes of CO 2 e, representing 39% of our total Scope 1 emissions. This is a 13% reduction compared to 2022 (1,753 tonnes) and a 34% reduction compared to our 2019 baseline (2,322 tonnes). The reductions are driven by the increasing proportion of electric vehicles in our global fleet. In 2023, 14% of our company cars were fully electric and we are committed to increasing this proportion in the coming years.

Proportion of Electric Cars Proportion of Electric Cars

In our factories and offices we use natural gas mainly for painting (90%) and heating (10%). Natural gas consumption accounts for 52% (2,066 tonnes) of our total Scope 1 emissions. In 2023, we used a total of 11,980 MWh of natural gas, which is 10% less than in 2022 (13,345 MWh) and 21% less than in our baseline year 2019 (15,250 MWh). These reductions are mainly due to improvements in the powder painting process at our production sites (Spain, Hungary and Portugal). To further reduce our natural gas consumption, we installed a new painting line at our Ukrainian plant this year. We expect the new system to halve the annual consumption of natural gas at our plant in Ukraine.



Petrol Engine

Full Electric

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