White Paper - Trustable

The answer to cybersecurity risks is not to give up on the myriad benefits that smart systems can bring - people worldwide have seen their daily lives improved by connected cities. It is to mitigate risk by following industry best practices and creating trustworthy systems. Governments are well aware of this. At the heart of the EU’s Cybersecurity strategy is the NIS Directive, which was launched in 2016 and ensures countries supervise cybersecurity in critical sectors, such as transport. And in April 2023, the US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and peers worldwide issued new guidance on cybersecurity best practices for smart cities.

The answer to cybersecurity risks is not to give up on the myriad benefits that smart systems can bring - people worldwide have seen their daily lives improved by connected cities.

“Smart cities are an attractive target for criminals and cyber threat actors to exploit vulnerable systems to steal critical infrastructure data and proprietary information, conduct ransomware operations, or launch destructive cyberattacks,” the paper notes. Trusted, secure systems have never been more important.


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