White Paper - Trustable

At Schréder, we believe every SMART system, no matter which company supplies it, or which customer uses it, should be S imple, M odular, A utomation-driven, R esilient and T rustable. This series of five white papers explores general considerations for any organisation thinking of investing in a smart system for public lighting. WHY TRUSTABLE? Modern cities are driven by data. Network infrastructure touches every device across the city, from street lights to security cameras. From traffic lights to transit hubs, the Internet of Things (IoT) means that systems can be controlled remotely through smart data points for optimal operational efficiency. As cities become smarter, more of this vital technology is connected to the network, and these information flows are key to maintaining that efficiency. However, with opportunity always comes risk. Public infrastructure assets that are connected to the internet are all potential targets for cyber attacks. In 2018, ransomware attacks shut down crucial infrastructure in the city of Baltimore, including 911 services. Cyber attacks shut down Dublin’s light rail tram system and power plants in Johannesburg. Solar Winds struck at the very heart of the US government, while NotPetya hit some of the world’s biggest companies and brought global ports to a standstill.


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