White Paper - Trustable

ULTIMATELY, IT’S ABOUT PEOPLE The failure point in smart city systems is rarely the actual servers. Two of the most common failures in cloud security are human error and weak credentials. Cast your mind back to 2001, and the Anna Kournikova virus: people will always be the weakest link in any cybersecurity strategy. There is a data breach every 39 seconds on average. System owners can counteract this by encrypting passwords, changing them frequently, and using firewalls on all devices. Hacking is a very real concern. Lighting controls should be no exception. Let’s look at a few methods to better protect your cloud applications: ● Passwords should be complex and frequently updated; ● Permissions should be controlled by a committee and audited frequently; ● Processes should be put into place when people are added to, or leave, the system; ● Logs should be kept of changes made to the system; ● Develop a back-up plan in the event of an attack so your system can be restored quicker and reduce downtime; ● Educate employees. Phishing emails are the most common entry point, so have a system and training in place to reduce these risks. More than 90% of all cyber attacks begin with phishing. No-one is standing at a terminal trying to hack your system like we see in the movies. They are waiting for someone to click on a bad link or open a file and then they wait. They let the program run in the background, gathering every keystroke and every password. Months later, they have what they need to carry out their attack. Proper training and prevention practices are key to effective cybersecurity.


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