The sky is the limit
A well-managed city never stops looking for opportunities to innovate.
The hard work of building a smart city is a journey, not a destination: there is always room for improvement. With EXEDRA, Schréder has developed a futureproof platform that integrates this constant need to address new challenges and to evolve with technology. We know that the best solutions are those built over time through agility and openness .
To stay up-to-date, Schréder has taken a technology-agnostic approach. What does this mean? We rely on open standards and protocols to design an architecture able to interact seamlessly with third-party software and hardware solutions. Smart cities should be platforms for innovation and so is Schréder EXEDRA.
Breaking the silos In this siloed world, Schréder EXEDRA is an inclusive disruptive solution. The platform is designed to unlock complete interoperability, as it offers:
The ability to control devices (luminaires) from other brands
The ability to manage controllers and to integrate sensors from other brands
The ability to connect with third-party devices and platforms
Schréder EXEDRA enables a partner ecosystem approach to provide endless solutions to cities.
Be part of the 18%! Today, 82% of smart city initiatives fail due to a lack of maturity and openness . EXEDRA, the 4 th generation of Schréder connected solutions, is your passport to join the club of the 18% of achievers.
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