It’s clear that the lighting industry needs to take a lead in providing solutions that both respect the environment and protect our dark skies, but how do we balance this with the differing requirements of the people who use those spaces? Whilst we focus on ‘numbers’ and provide schemes that meet the standards and minimise ecological impact does this result in spaces that may not be inclusive by design?
So what are the key challenges that are driving our industry at the moment?
Compliance – legislation & standards.
Minimal energy usage – climate emergency, key to unlock funding Ecological issues – respect dark skies and protected environments
And how can we deliver engaging places and spaces that people love to be in?
This paper explores how technology can help support a more holistic approach that meets both needs. We’ll explore each of these in more detail and ask whether a balance can be found between these sometimes conflicting drivers.
Safer streets
Clare Thomas Head of Applications and Solutions, Logic Urbis Schréder
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