Logic - Let's Get Connected

Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) performance is now considered essential in measuring material risks and opportunities for growth. Sustainability and cost are linked inextricably to success, and lighting values are a measurable indication of ESG performance. Connect your lighting to the ESG agenda

Light pollution is a growing concern as it provides evidence of wasted energy, unnecessary carbon emissions, and potential nuisance. Skyglow interrupts the natural rhythms of the world, and poorly designed lighting causes distress. Over the long term, excess lighting wastes energy and contributes to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions, and in the short term, poor lighting may cause visual discomfort and may even render a situation unsafe. Driving conditions, for example, are impacted immediately by glare. Light trespass may cause nuisance, and clutter – bright, confusing or excessive light sources – can be avoided. A well-planned lighting solution has a measurable impact on carbon footprint,

and can reduce operational and energy costs, as well as the impact of nuisance. However, it means finding the right combination of aesthetics (because perceptions drive motivation); function (the lighting solution must work, in every respect); and efficiency, across the board. Logic connects spaces, places and people.

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