Lighting Solutions for Campus

Connected solutions

Connecting your luminaires is not just about adding in a control system to the products you are having installed, it’s much more than that. It is about control of the area you are lighting, the space the lights are in and the people who are using that space. It’s about delivering solutions beyond lighting for electric mobility, security, information and entertainment. Is the lighting suitable for specific areas? Is the goal to enhance security and reduce crime rates? What lighting choices will make a space more appealing to people? Do you require the ability to dim the lights during specific nighttime hours while maintaining the flexibility to brighten them in emergencies? Are you exploring energy-efficient and cost-effective lighting solutions for sustainability?

Connecting your luminaires is much more than adding a control system to the products. It is about customising an area to unleash its full potential.

By taking all of this into consideration, the place, the space, the people, the light, the control, let’s get connected!


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